Get an overview of prices

Within Heureka, we have the price list divided into several levels:

  • click-through prices within categories
  • click-through prices from fulltext search and e-shop detail
  • click-through prices from related websites
We monitor market developments and adjust our prices to match the current situation. Starting October 9, 2024, we will adjust prices at approximately biweekly intervals, allowing us to flexibly respond to seasonal trends, changes in competition, and other market factors. These adjustments will only apply to some categories and in most cases they will be minor changes in percentage units.
Dynamic price adjustments will depend on several key factors.
  • Seasonality and trends in the given categories.
  • Market situation – for example, the entry or exit of a large player from the e-commerce market can affect the price.
  • Competition - if there is little or no interest, the price will be adjusted downwards or upwards to match the demand in the given category.
We will regularly inform you about all changes through the administrative environment for eshops and, in case of major changes, also by email.

Click-through prices by product category

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Click-through prices from fulltext search and e-shop detail

The fulltext search and e-shop detail click-through price is charged using a flat price of 0.153 EUR.

Click-through prices from related websites

The price of clicks from Heureka satellites is not subject to seasonal price increase. Heureka satellites include:


Download satellite price list (from 2. 5. 2024)

Satellite price list CSV
Satellite price list XLSX

If you have any questions, please contact us

Veronika Elšíková

Veronika Elšíková

+421 2/205 703 60

[email protected]

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We use your contact information only within the Heureka Group (,, Árukereső.hu,,,,, and and only for the purpose of contacting you regarding our services. Protection of personal data on our websites

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