Join Heureka Marketplace and let your customers buy selected goods from your e‑shop but directly on Heureka. This simplifies your entire purchase process, as it has for around 1,800 e‑shops in Czechia and Slovakia.
The in-between step of clicking through to your e-shop is eliminated therefore is the risk of losing the customer significantly reduced.
The registration and use of Heureka Marketplace and the customer benefits are free of charge. If the customer cancels or returns the order, we do not charge the commission.
Be where there are thousands of potential customers - on the most frequented e-commerce website on Czech and Slovak Internet.
With Heureka Marketplace, you can rank among the most visible TOP position in the Product catalogue.
The customer always has the option of paying online when shopping via Heureka Marketplace. The payment gateway is free for you.
Heureka offers its own support centre. We can handle most questions. You can focus on improving your e-shop instead.
To use Heureka Marketplace services, you have to add your e-shop to the paid PPC mode. Your products will be paired with the relevant categories in the Heureka catalogue, allowing the e-shop to increase the reach of new customers.
You can only join Heureka Marketplace with consistent quality ratings and the Verified by Customers certificate. The Verified by Customers service is free, you only need to integrate it into your e-shop. Then you will simply wait for positive reviews from your customers.
Check in your administration whether your e-shop can be registered for Heureka Marketplace.
If you do not see the button in your administration, your e-shop is either already registered or does not meet the mandatory conditions for registration. In this case, your administration will state the reason why you cannot register.
In your administration -> in the Settings tab complete the contact details and data for returning/claiming goods. In the case of direct connection via API, enter the API URL.
Notice: This information must always be up-to-date. Do not forget to edit the data if you have a new address or contact details.
Registration and use of the marketplace are free. If a customer makes a purchase via the orange Buy on Heureka button, we will charge you a small sales commission. The value always differs based on the specific product category.
If the customer uses the Go to E-shop button to make the purchase and clicks through to your e-shop website, only the price per click will be charged.
Heureka Marketplace list is regularly and proactively expanded into individual sections. New added category is automatically listed and activated in the price list. Please contact us in case you wish to have a new category added to the pricing list.
Yes, all the products in stock and inactive sections are automatically activated. Our goal is to offer our customers a wide selection of goods at Heureka. However, if you do not want to sell particular goods through Heureka Marketplace, add a special tag to the XML feed that will exclude it from the service.
There may be several reasons. First, it is possible that you were switched to the free mode if you ran out of credit. Second, Heureka Marketplace does not work when you lose your Certificate Verified by Customers. It could also be caused by technical issues with the API or product feed availability. Another reason could be the placement of the product in a section where Heureka Marketplace is not active or has limitations. Please contact our team at [email protected] to find the solution.