Be maximally effective on Heureka

Activate your Performance and cost review and discover your revenues and costs for individual products, the breakdown of costs for bidding and pricelist CPC, and the conversion rate for individual products.

I want a Performance and cost review How to work with the Review

We always generate data for the past 90 days, whereas the data for the last 30 days can change. Find out why the data changes on the Conversion metering

The report is generated 1* per day overnight. In the administrative interface, you can also create a graphically predefined report in the popular Google Data Studio visualization tool.

How do I work with the Performance and cost review?

Take a look at the Performance and cost review in a series of four consecutive videos with Michal Buzek, Chief Analyst at Heureka.
In them, you will learn:

  • The price per acquired customer from bidded and non-bidded positions,
  • How many customers come from bidded positions and the share of bidding in total cost,
  • Which of your categories and products on Heureka have the highest conversion,
  • What is the share of costs and turnovers.

Other episodes:

How do I get the Performance and cost review?

Activate the report in administration

The report is available in CSV and is available in your e-shop administration. It is a more detailed version of the review from the statistics page.

Activate report

Contact us and keep track of your performance and costs

Filip Mikeš

Filip Mikeš

+421 2/205 703 60

[email protected]

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