Be seen in the top ranks

Use Heureka Bidding and get your products among the Top 4 recommended offers in the product index.

  • Increase the clickthrough rate to your e-shop and the chances of new conversions.
  • The condition for participation in Heureka Bidding is having the Verified by Customers certificate and active PPC mode.
  • Top 4 recommended e-shop offers are only reachable with Heureka Bidding.

I want to use Heureka Bidding Why start with Heureka Bidding?

What will appearing in the top four spots do for me?


It will significantly increase your chances of conversion.

Up to 44% of all clicks to e-shops are generated among the TOP 4 recommended offers in the product catalogue.


You will be visible

Only with Heureka Bidding can you be instantly visible to customers in the top section of the product catalogue.


You will reach hundreds to thousands of customers per day.

Customers most often click on e-shops in the TOP positions in the product index. Rank your e-shop among them.


You can be in first place even with a higher product price.

Thanks to Heureka Bidding, you do not have to fight for the top position with the lowest price. Your e-shop can be placed in front of other vendors which has a lower price per product.

How can I start using Heureka Bidding?

Top up credit

You can do this in your e-shop administration, in the Top up credit tab.

Top up credit

Get a Verified by Customers certificate

Until you get a Verified by Customers certificate, you cannot start bidding or setting a price per click. How to get Verified by Customers?

Start using Heureka Bidding

You can set the price per click in administration under the Price per click settings tab or through your XML file. Using the XML file, you can automate price per click settings or use an autobidding tool.

How do I move up among the top 4 e-shops?

Your e‑shop must also have a Verified by Customers certificate.

After getting the Verified by Customers certificate, you can start using Heureka Bidding -set a higher price per click than in the basic price list- and increase your chance of ranking among the top 4 recommended e-shops.

More about the Verified by Customers certificate

You must have active PPC mode

Without the active paid PPC mode and a Verified by Customers certificate, you cannot apply to rank among the top 4 e-shops.

More about PPC regime

Set a price per click to the e‑shop

The price per click, which you can set as you wish to thanks to Heureka Bidding, is also taken into account when ranking the e-shop.

The product price also plays a role

The product price is not the most important factor, but still important in the customer’s decision, which is why it is included in the e-shop evaluation system.

Check availability

Another important criterion is the availability of goods. If the product is in stock, you can rank higher among the e-shops.

I want to start using Heureka Bidding

Don’t waste time setting clicks manually

Do you want to invest money for effective product promotion, attract relevant customers and keep track of your costs? Bidding Tools, Bidding Fox, Beed, Bidding Manager, Conviu, Magie Script! and Marketing Tools are tools to help you with this. Try them and do not worry about manually setting the price per click.

More about autobidding tools

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