Group News

Here you can find everything and anything interesting that is happening in Heureka Group and in our countries. You can read Heureka Group’s official press releases, international data analyses or fresh e-commerce market news.

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Logos for download

The complete package of current logos can be downloaded here.
Individual logos can be downloaded here.
Information on the possibility of using these logos can be viewed here.

The logo of the Sustainable e-shop project can be downloaded here.
The ShopRoku competition logo can be downloaded here.

This Year Will Be the Richest Christmas in 7 Years!

03. 11. 2021

Árukereső - While last year’s Christmas was a more toned-down affair due to the coronavirus, and gift‑shopping mostly shifted to online stores, this year we are looking to give presents to more p…

AHA Moments from the Public Cloud Meetup

01. 10. 2021

At the end of August, we organized a #HeurekaDevsMeetup covering the public cloud, partially because Heureka Group is testing a hybrid model across three countries and we run into pitfalls that someon…

Contacts for media

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