Collaborate and earn with Heureka

Are you an influencer? Offer information about products and their prices from on your profile and get a new source of income for the customers you bring in.

I want to join What will the programme provide me with?

What will the influencer programme provide me with?


You get an interesting source of income

The best influencers regularly earn tens of thousands of crowns per month.

How are commissions calculated?


Cooperation with the largest shopping advisor in Europe

The Heureka Group operates in nine countries, and in the Czech Republic/Slovak it is the most visited e-commerce website. Moreover, you are not promoting a specific e-shop, but an independent portal.


You get control over what you promote

You choose which product to present to your followers. Detailed statistics on the number of clicks, clicks to e-shops and the number of orders placed are naturally available.

How can I join the programme?


Anyone who has a social media profile or channel that meets the mandatory requirements can join. Registration and use of the influencer programme is free.


Wait for registration confirmation

We will verify your registration and, if everything is in order, approve it.

Place advertising elements on your profile/channel

In the programme interface, you generate a measurement link for a specific product or product group. You then post it to your social media profile or channel.

Earn money

Once you have collected CZK 1,000/40 EUR or more in commissions, you can request a payment. A statement of account is issued once a month for the previous full calendar month. You don’t have to do anything else; we will issue an invoice and you will have the money in your account within 14 days. Lower amounts are always carried over to the next month, until the minimum payment amount is reached.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can also communicate with us via our Facebook group, which you should be a member of. We publish important information here – new improvements, updates and changes to the influencer program.

Contact us and earn with Heureka

Martin Netolický

Martin Netolický

[email protected]

Contact us:

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We use your contact information only within the Heureka Group (,, Árukereső.hu,,,,, and and only for the purpose of contacting you regarding our services. Protection of personal data on our websites

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