Get an estimate of individual product sales

In the Product sales in e-commerce report from Heureka, you will find estimates of competing product sales, thanks to which you can focus your business efforts in the right direction.

  • You get integrated data about Czech and Slovak online shopping, from which you can determine the development of the online market, market position of the brand, price segments and much more.
  • The data is collected primarily from Conversion metering and the Verified by Customers services.
  • The report is available in the Czech and Slovak language.

I want the Product sales report

What will I learn from the Product sales report?

  • What is the best-selling product in the category,
  • what is the market share of the product in the category,
  • whether a marketing campaign affects online sales,
  • which products are becoming popular,
  • how the price affects product sales.

Intuitive dashboard in

Heureka Insights

Heureka Insights is a display tool for product sales. Various views from the Product sales report are displayed in an intuitive manner to customers on stylishly designed dashboards in the Heureka Insights tool.

I am interested in the Product sales report

What data does the Product sales report contain?

Identifier of your e-shop on Heureka.

Data from the Czech market is shown on => CZ

Frequency of data updates (monthly, weekly, daily)

Date for which the statistics are calculated

Product identifier on Heureka

Product name.

Identifier of the category in which the product is included

Category in the Heureka catalog where the product is placed

Name of the producer registered in the Heureka catalog

Minimum price for which the product sold at least once

Maximum price for which the product sold at least once

Average price for which the product sold at least once

Estimated number of product items sold

Product percentage rating within the Verified by Customers services

Number of reviews collected within the Verified by Customers service

Product rank in the category

Number of e-shops selling the product on the given day

Number of e-shops which sell the products in the category to which the product belongs

How do I get a Product sales report?

Contact us to order the report

Contact us to order a report.

Contact us

Provide additional information

Before issuing the order, we will need the following additional information:

  • from when you want to receive data (data are available from 1 Jan. 2019),
  • how frequently you want the data to be updated (monthly, weekly or daily)
  • which category you want to monitor based on the index.

You can start

After completing the order and issuing an invoice, we will activate the report and it will be available by the next day. The newly updated data will always be added to the end of the table, which will be available for download.

Contact us and keep everything under control

Radek Bulíř

Radek Bulíř

[email protected]

Contact us:

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