We are heureka!group.
Our services heureka!shopsadsinsights
are here to help you grow your business.

We are the largest price comparator and shopping advisor in Europe. We help millions of users shop online conveniently, quickly and easily. We connect our business partners with customers not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad.


For e-shops. Share your e-shop with millions of customers. With Heureka Shops can you become part of Heureka Marketplace or CSS Program, or chose to get the Verified by Customers certificate.

Try Heureka Shops


For brands. Strengthen your brand and become visible on and beyond Heureka. Heureka Ads products will make your brand visible through TV, Youtube or newsletters sent to millions of subscribers.

Try Heureka Ads


Data reviews. Change your strategy according to real market demands in up to 9 European countries. With the Heureka Insights data reports, you will discover what are the most wanted products, brands, competition prices or products to sell.

Try Heureka Insights

what is heureka!group?

9 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, over 23 million visitors per month and a network of over 55,000 online stores. This is the Heureka Group, Europe’s largest price comparison website and online shopping advisor.

We simplify and facilitate online shopping for millions of customers every day. Our mission is to connect e‑shops and brands with customers abroad – to help them reach out to all Heureka Group users across the region, giving them maximum support in every way as they grow.

countries where you can sell
million users per month
thousand e-shops in our network

in which countries can you sell with us?

Together, we create the largest interconnected product catalog on the European online shopping market. Expand abroad with Heureka

Are you interested in what Heureka is up to?

Heureka Group a.s. as the operator of the online platform heureka.cz hereby publishes the number of active recipients of the service, which amounts to 3 147 402 in the Czech Republic, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24(2) of the Digital Services Regulation (DSA).